It’s the Time Warp Again!

hourglass time

The Peculiar Sensation of Time Speeding Up Tick-tock, tick-tock! Have you noticed that time seems to be zooming past us lately? It’s as if someone hit the fast-forward button on the universal remote control, and now we’re all caught in an epic time warp. The seconds, minutes, hours, and days are whizzing by at an […]

The Power of Being in the Now: Staying Present in a Busy World

focus on the present

This is particularly important when I’m under pressure or facing challenging situations Being in the now is something that I’ve been reminded of recently, especially as I was almost wiped out by a transit van on the M56 a few weeks ago.  The incident unnerved me so much I am now taking an Advanced Driving Course. […]

4 Tips Guaranteed to Increase Productivity


Sleep – increase productivity You simply cannot take getting enough sleep for granted.  Without enough sleep you will, literally, slow down. Whether you work shifts, or 9-5 you need enough sleep if you want to increase productivity. Forget about our concept about time – the minutes and hours we stipulate as day and night.  The […]

Stress Busting Techniques

We’ve all heard doctors, the media and various medical reports stating how beneficial exercise is good for beating stress but did you realise that it needn’t always be sweating away in a gym, lifting weights or pounding away at a treadmill knowing your body is so going to hurt the next day? There are great […]