The Love-Hate Relationship with Being Online

The Love-Hate Relationship with Being Online

How much do we truly enjoy the digital realm? In an era dominated by technology and connectivity, the role of being online in our lives has become both a blessing and a curse. The question arises: How much do we truly enjoy the digital realm? Is it a tool for business, a source of pleasure, […]

Using the Wow Factor

‘Wow’ transports you from the mundane into remembering there is a much bigger picture out there. One of my most effective actions that helps me think more creatively is harnessing the wow factor that is all around us.  Finding things that make me go ‘Wow’ or ‘Amazing’ reminds you of almost magical things.  It transports […]

Customer Service Must Get Creative

Drop the excuses If I hear one more ‘it’s because of Covid’ excuse from a service company I am going to scream! My patience and tolerance for this sort of lazy excuse has just about reached its limits as I am sure a lot of other consumers would agree. Come on, really?! Nearly 18 months […]

Designing a Passport to the Future – Education Revolution

Education revolution passport

I will state up front that I do not have children.  However, 90% of my friends, colleagues and family I regularly interact with do and I am sometimes called into schools to ‘inspire’ their pupils.  I therefore feel I have an opinion albeit one from an outsiders point of view.  But perhaps the fact I […]

Unlock the creative brain – try being a southpaw

creative brain

A few weeks ago, I wrote about a study I found intriguing with some interesting findings around the brain and its function with creativity. I decided to try an experiment to unlock my creative brain. Your brain has 2 hemispheres, left and right.  Your left hemisphere functions  with things such as logic, practicalities, reason etc. […]

Innovative thinking – do you sometimes have whacky ideas?


I don’t know about any of you, but I quite often walk around feeling slightly out of step with everyone else.  It’s not an unpleasant experience, I am just aware that, when it comes to thinking processes, the way I view the world and the ideas that come to me are not your average thoughts. […]