Together We Could Say ‘STOP’ and Change Everything

inspirational female speaker

The cost of living and the hike in energy prices, interest rates, food – well everything really – beggars belief. In fact, if we continue to allow these ‘things’ to be done to us that’s what it will do – beggar us.

Worried about Returning to the Office? 4 Tips

A view of an office

As we all get ready to return to the business of work after the holiday season there are a few issues that may crop up for you.  Constantly living and working within the field of change I’ve had people approaching me with their concerns, fear and worries about what might lie ahead for them.  When […]

Handling Stress with a Change of Psyche

THE STRESS of MOVING HOME As I called my local estate agent to put my house on the market, the phrase “the two most stressful things in life are divorce and moving home” kept whirling round my head. The initial meeting turned out to be two hours long. As it was happening I could picture […]

Whisper of Change

change coming

change is coming Have you noticed that there is a different atmosphere around, everywhere?  Have you even had time to stop and consider if there has been a subtle difference permeating the air?  If you haven’t please try to do so. Change is coming and you need to be ready. do you feel the whisper […]

Designing a Passport to the Future – Education Revolution

Education revolution passport

I will state up front that I do not have children.  However, 90% of my friends, colleagues and family I regularly interact with do and I am sometimes called into schools to ‘inspire’ their pupils.  I therefore feel I have an opinion albeit one from an outsiders point of view.  But perhaps the fact I […]

How do you get ahead of the waves of change? Create a splash yourself.

Change and the changes that affect us directly are like an ocean.  Vast, continuous, fluctuating and you often can’t see beyond the immediate horizon.  Wave after wave of change keeps rolling in and it does not discriminate or confine itself to industry specifics.  It washes over everything, every one, every organisation. Waves of change through […]

You Are A Hero – Live your own story

You Are A Hero – Live your own story Every single one of us is. Consider this – you are, at this very moment, living, breathing and planning your very own story where you are the major character.  You are the star in your own story.  The person sitting next to you has their own […]

What Business Model Do You Follow?

If you are part of a large organisation you probably won’t know the specifics however, in general terms, you probably follow a similar business model to the rest of your competitors. Does your business model still work? Big banks follow the same basic methodology as everyone else in their field as do investment houses, insurance […]

Don’t be too proud to ask for help

Ever had one of those days when your decision to be an entrepreneur seems like a mistake? Do you ask for help? It can be tricky, especially if you are a solopreneur. Everything seems to have gone belly up and you are soldiering on trying to ignore the feelings of doom and gloom. To quote […]

As a Leader, If You Aspire Towards Greatness Maybe, One Day, You Will Become One


Being a great leader is not your decision… ‘How to be a great leader’ or derivatives around this title are often used by self-help books, courses and trainers but you aren’t the one who is going to decide whether you are great or not. Others, your colleagues, results, what you achieve in your lifetime and […]